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October 14, 2003
people with more money than sense
This is from the Neiman-Marcus Christmas catalog. Can I have the acreage to go along with it?
Who buys this as a gift for someone? And who gets this as a gift? Someone in a completely different socio-economic stratus from me.
~via Caterina.net
11:11 AM | Permalink
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If i had that kind of acreage, I'd be sitting under the stars asking aliens to come make crop circles. Their work is more beautiful. And they do it all in one night.
Posted by: Mahala at Oct 14, 2003 9:29:52 PM
Posted by: Alicia at Oct 14, 2003 10:56:19 PM
Thinking of it, if I had that kind of acreage I would want lots of trees, a woods behind the house or around it that is deep. And a clearing, circular. Room for sweatlodges or bonfires or camping under the stars.
And a garden. With herbs and flowers and climbing vines. And a pond with frogs and fish.
I don't want much.
Posted by: Alicia at Oct 14, 2003 10:58:41 PM