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January 13, 2004
blogging it forward
Yesterday or today is blogging it forward day and what can I say? I would recommend visiting any site on my blogroll. You should especially go visit the blogs of anyone who regularly comments here. However, as most of us are already reading each others' sites daily, rather than try to post everyone's blog here again (I love you all!), I will tell you of a few new ones I have found recently that I think are worth reading.
Awake at Dawn-writing journal. The work on this site/blog is amazing and beautiful. I wish I wrote as well as this writer.
Garbage Thoughts, who I wanted to keep my special secret read but honestly, William's on the blogroll. How secret is that. I haven't gone through all the archives yet, but he comes up with some thought provoking stuff.
There are two of my latest outstanding finds. I hope you enjoy them too.
05:00 PM | Permalink
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» Blog it forward from 3rd House Party
Somehow I’ve managed to have never come across the Blog it Forward concept in the four months or so that I’ve been blogging. [Read More]
Tracked on Jan 16, 2004 12:39:00 PM
» Uncommonly beautiful poem from Bookish Gardener
Common names of plants are evocative and beautiful in their own way, and all the more so in this poem, titled "Blodeuwedd", from Awake at Dawn. Please, read the whole thing. My thanks are overdue to Alicia at Twilight Cafe [Read More]
Tracked on Jan 25, 2004 12:01:48 PM
Good stuff! As usual, you have impeccable taste. :D
Posted by: Chan S. at Jan 14, 2004 10:09:01 AM
I am a special little secret, aren't I? In fact, I wonder how you even found me.
Posted by: William at Jan 14, 2004 3:38:14 PM
That is also a secret.
No, really I think it was on a typepad update. I find lots of cool people that way.
Posted by: Alicia at Jan 14, 2004 4:03:55 PM