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March 18, 2004

size does matter

Doc and Scott are showing off the size of their iPod collections, and ask us to as well. Here's mine:


"we showed you ours, now show us yours" :)

addendum: I recieved an email from an anonymous reader ('cept to me) who has 6700 songs on her iPod with 500 in queue to be added at present. She is the winner so far. I will of course be burning more onto mine over the weekend...must. keep. up. :)

Music 11:49 PM | Permalink


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Crap- I have a 5,000 song capacity iPod and I don't even think I've broken the 500 mark yet! I'm pathetic!

Posted by: Kristi at Mar 19, 2004 8:20:28 AM

Daaamn. Even I only 3186 songs on my iPod. Of course with my penchant for classical and prog-rock, those 3,186 songs take up 10.3 days of music/ 19.22 gigs.

Posted by: David at Mar 19, 2004 8:48:35 AM