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April 02, 2004
cookie, cookie, cookie starts with "C"
And Clyde's Cookies are the best of them.
I got a wonderful package today from NakedJen today, full of organic vegan chocolate chip cookies (with and without oatmeal). Let me tell you how wonderful they are. Wonderful!
I really hope NakedJen gets these into a regular business, as I am now addicted. Did I mention they are vegan organic chocolate chip cookies? They don't taste like the usual cardboard ick you get in the health food stores, either. They are truly Clyde-damned delicious!
Back to my cookies and coffee. Diet? What diet?
Food and Drink 11:15 AM | Permalink
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We have the video of that song . . . may I remind you that if you sing it all the way through, you get to eat all the cookies, and use the excuse that it was part of the choregraphy, artistic expression, no less, and therefore does not count against any diets?
Posted by: Anne at Apr 2, 2004 6:07:29 PM