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April 16, 2004

preaching the message, if we can figure out what it is...

I got the most curious junk mail in the post today. It is from our First Baptist Church, a mass mailing to whoever has a mailbox. I didn't realize it was from a church at first, because the front is a big oval with the words American Idol in it and stars in various sizes around the oval. Underneath, the caption is "Do you have what it takes?"

Oh good, I thought, they are having auditions for American Idol here in my little hometown.

I turn the flyer over and see the map, and then I see the church information, with service times. The header says The First Baptist Church of Myli'lhometown hosts THE ULTIMATE TALENT SEARCH!

American Idol Episodes are listed underneath. April 18: "so you want to be a star?" April 25: "Making your gift shine" (I start to get suspicious here) May 2: "Are you a square peg in a round hole?" (WTF?) May 9: "Don't let the judges get you down" and May 16: "You better use it or you'll lose it"

I'm slow when it comes to advertising. I stared at this for several minutes wondering why a church, a Baptist church at that, would host American Idol auditions. Then it dawned on me. Ohhhhh, it's a gimmick.

Stupid gimmick if you ask me. Doesn't the bible warn against idolatry?

much ado about nothing 04:11 PM | Permalink


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There's something that strikes me as patently wrong when any organized religion resorts to mass mailings. I suppose it's more cost effective then sending them out to knock on doors, but I'd probably be the first to call them and tell them I want to be removed from their mailing list, pronto.

Posted by: Snowball at Apr 16, 2004 4:53:21 PM

Heh. American "Idolatry". I agree, that was a tacky and misleading thing to send people. What's wrong with a straight-forward invitation to attend church?

Posted by: pam at Apr 17, 2004 12:45:00 AM

My parish still had an analog bulletin but we also have an emailed newsletter for kids and families. The latter is strictly opt-in and free of gimmicks.

My only high tech disconnect with a chruch was in Melbourne Beach, FL. The Holy Name of Jesus did away with hymnals and just had screens with Power Point presentations running up the lyrics.It came off a little like going to the ballpark.

Posted by: pops at Apr 17, 2004 10:23:21 PM

The closest I've come to that was when a new church was opening in our neighbourhood and it sent a flyer through our door containing a great deal of info and a final invite to join them and celebrate their Pubic Opening.

Posted by: Legomen at Apr 19, 2004 2:10:29 PM