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May 27, 2004

"No thanks, I'm busy for the next millennium"

Sun reporter checks out worst pick up lines, reports back.

A dating website, www.itsadatingthing.com, has compiled a list of the top 30 worst pick-up/chat-up lines ever. A brave Sun reporter goes out on the street to test just how bad they are.

The winner: I'm here, what were your other two wishes?


Does anyone have any other wonderfully beastly pick-up lines?

update: I was just at the coffee achiever's site and she has the entire list up, with the ones tried on her in italics and her replies.

Humor 08:10 AM | Permalink


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No pick up lines, but if you want to read a new solution to the Rennes mystery without scrolling through all those 12 pages I mentioned in my previous post, I've posted the highlights from the research on my blog in one post. Check it out.

Posted by: David at May 27, 2004 9:03:51 AM

What in the world are those?! A 12 year old could come up with something better if he were a player. :P Honestly, I feel sorry for that brave person.

Posted by: Andrew at May 27, 2004 9:19:05 AM

I think I'll try some of those... at a gay bar.

Here's one: Hey baby, I'm lookin' for a sugar mamma!


PS I have some decent CSS links on my blog, under the title "Decent CSS Links, I Promise!"

Posted by: Rose at May 27, 2004 4:01:49 PM

Worst line tried on me (while I was applying lipstick): Hey Beautiful, you trying to improve on perfection?


Posted by: ellie at May 28, 2004 6:07:59 PM