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July 09, 2004
life mimics life
I grow plants. Houseplants only, right now, although I have been wanting to plant some herbs and such around the back porch, maybe some lavender at the front door. Here's what I have noticed: when I am doing well, feeling good, my plants are perkier and more lively looking. when I am down or having a hard time, they are droopier, need water and attention more often, and have more dead leaves. I am willing to concede that some of this is perception, and that I have a harder time taking care of them when I am feeling blue, but I can't attribute all of the behaviour to that. I honestly think they pick up on the energy of the house.
Crazy? What have you noticed changes around you when you are happy or sad?
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Just about everything seems to go wrong when I'm in a ditch of a mood. The car will have something wrong with it, bills will be backed up, the water will be shut off for the morning - it's as though one builds on another to create an even "lower" mood. Lately I believe more in my energy and the energy of that and those around me having a lot of affect so it's sort of changed the way I go about things.
Posted by: Joe at Jul 9, 2004 11:54:55 AM
I've noticed that our cats are affected by our moods--if there is a lot of anxiety or tension, they feel it too. Also, bad karma days seem to extend across all aspects--people, objects, etc. all have a negativity about them. I've learned to see it for what it is--a negative cycle--and ride the wave until it ends. Positive cycles work the same way. It's the biorhythm of life.
Posted by: Lori at Jul 9, 2004 1:27:08 PM
It's conceivable they're responding to your moods, but I think it's more likely they droop because your energies have turned in toward yourself rather than out toward them. It's your caring that keeps 'em happy.
Posted by: mscandide at Jul 9, 2004 6:25:22 PM