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September 26, 2004
Ok, my favorite time of year fast approaches, and I am trying to work out a way to making a Promethea costume. While looking up costume bits that I think I can't/won't make myself, I came across a website that had this to say:
***Fun Fact - Though Cleopatra has been played by classic Hollywood beauties like Elizabeth Taylor, historians say she was actually about five feet tall and somewhat chubby.
Woo-hoo!!! Maybe I'll add an Authentic Cleopatra to my list of costumes to get through before I die :)
Meanwhile, does anyone know how to make/where to get a female warrior breastplate for cheap?
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Hey there! Great Site, Lots of little nooks and crannies in it to check out, but awesome overall! As far as Halloween (My personal fav, too) and your costume, I have a slew of costuem sites, but with a product I use (which cooincidentally I just made mention of in my own site) it would be fairly easy to make. If you want more info, stop by my site and/or E-mail me! I worked at Spookyworld, in MA for a few years doing costumes and make-up, and could help guide you on making your own.
Posted by: Joey at Sep 26, 2004 11:34:35 AM
Thanks, Joey. I'll head over to your site right now to check it out! And thanks for the kind words, I hope you enjoy your stay and come back often.
Posted by: Alicia at Sep 26, 2004 4:50:27 PM
"does anyone know how to make/where to get a female warrior breastplate for cheap?"
No, but, should you find one do post pictures. ;-)
Posted by: David at Sep 26, 2004 5:28:45 PM
I am working on a Promethea costume, and you of all the people I know, David, need to read those comics. Alan Moore is a Hermetic wonder and a teacher extraordinaire :)
I'll post pics, for sure.
Posted by: Alicia at Sep 26, 2004 7:10:25 PM
I know, I know. *sheepish look* I swear that they will be the next books I buy. Between you and Amal I could be bled dry on money for books and comics alone!
Posted by: David at Sep 26, 2004 7:32:38 PM
Perhaps hunting down a Princess Leia outfit might be easier...
Posted by: jon at Sep 27, 2004 11:54:30 AM
Yeah, but I don't want to be Princess Leia....:(
If I can combine a Mercury/Hermes costume with a Cleopatra costume, I'd about have it :)
Posted by: Alicia at Sep 27, 2004 2:11:35 PM
From the Creator of the 30-Minute "All The King's Men" Costume, and also a Pikachu costume once:
You could crochet -- single or double, in a fairly heavy yarn so it would go quickly -- the basic shape you want, soak it in regular white school glue and dry it until it is sticky and moveably, but not yet hard. Wrap yourself up in plastic wrap (so you don't get icky glue all over yourself) and shape it. It should hold the shap long enough to finish drying, and then you can spraypaint it silver.
You can also use a double layer of felt, and machine quilt a design. Rather than soaking in glue, you can use darts, etc. to form fit it to your shape. Again, spraypaint silver.
Or gold, I guess.
Felt is interesting -- it is stiff enough to use in costuming for a variety of things, since durability isn't an issue.
Cirque de Soleil (spelling?) uses the crochet technique for their chainmail, although they actually tat using a heavyweight yarn rather than standard crochet.
Posted by: Anne at Sep 27, 2004 8:05:58 PM
I was refering to Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi - just for the breastplate. Or, are you're after something more Xena-like?
Posted by: jon at Sep 28, 2004 5:42:56 PM
More Xena like, I thought, as some Prometheas actually have leather torso armor. However, I have posted a picture in the "Halloween decor, 2004" album so everyone can see the basis for the costume. I don't expect to reproduce this exactly, but I do plan on making something that doesn't look too cheesy. Wish me luck!
Posted by: Alicia at Sep 28, 2004 7:44:10 PM