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December 11, 2004

just the facts, ma'am

Thank you, everyone, for all the good cheer at my finding new work. I hope it turns out to be something fantastic. Fact checking for a blogger is like being a yarn purchaser for a knitter. Fun!

Speaking of fact checking, I was sent this website, Choose the Blue, which offers a way to see which way the companies you support lean politically. Now the site is aimed at Democrats, but the information is good for anyone who has an interest in such things as which party gets profits from your gas station or local grocer. Some stores or companies don't contribute or are not yet in the database, so it isn't 100% yet, but it is fun to see how people really do vote with their dollars.

What I find really interesting is that Boar's Head Meat allegedly sends 100% of its political donations to the Democratic party and Kroger sends 75-80% of its political donations to the Republican party, and Kroger in my town carries Boar's Head Meats. I wonder if that means they cancel each other out. Hrm.....

Life 03:00 PM | Permalink


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Wow. Tough call. That's like having a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room.

Posted by: Kristine (The poster formerly known as Citizen Willow) at Dec 11, 2004 4:07:07 PM

I knew the Boar's head turkey tasted pretty damn democratic! Good to hear about the job, happy days all around!

Posted by: Joe at Dec 11, 2004 8:35:29 PM

Thanks for the info!

Looks like I have to stop drinking Captain Morgan's... *weep*

Posted by: *Name Hidden* at Dec 13, 2004 8:18:14 AM