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December 12, 2004
turnabout is fair play
I got this meme from Pam, who is just as evil as I am!
A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie.
2. a book.
3. a musical artist, song, or album.B) Ask me three questions—no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
C) Go to your blog (if you have one), copy and paste this, and allow everyone to ask you anything.
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» Audience Participation Meme from random thinks
I found this at Pam's Place (beancounters daydream) and followed it to Alicia's Place (The Twilight Cafe), upon where I decided to participate. Here's the deal: A) you write in and suggest to me: 1. A movie. 2. A book. [Read More]
Tracked on Dec 12, 2004 3:17:31 PM
1. a movie: What the Bleep Do We Know?
2. a book: The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
3. a musical artist, song, or album: Kate Bush, The Kick Inside
My 3 Questions:
1. What's the tackiest gift you've ever received?
2. Tell me something you'd like to accomplish in 2005.
3. Where's the best place to get a cheeseburger?
Posted by: Lori at Dec 12, 2004 2:08:58 PM
1. Movie: Badder Santa...sure to cure the pre-holiday blahs.
2. Book: Replay, by Ken Grimwood.
3. Album: Waking Hour, by Vienna Teng.
1. What is your favorite cookie?
2. What is your favorite Jelly Belly flavor?
3. What's the best thing on TV right now?
Posted by: Doc at Dec 12, 2004 3:01:36 PM
I have been wanting to see What the Bleep Do We Know, thank you for the recommendation. I'll add The Holographic Universe to my list of books to get at sometime soon, and I adore Kate Bush. I have all her albums.
The tackiest gift I ever received, I think, was a Santa incense holder. His top half comes off, the incense cone is placed in his belly, and the smoke comes out a hole in his belly. Not through his pipe like you'd think. It was just wierd.
In 2005 I would like to accomplish getting my writing and editing together so I can make a decent living on it alone.
The best cheeseburger, at least here in my home town, is from Denton County Independent Hamburger Company. This is only because LaSalle's and The Texas Pickup both closed shop several years ago.
I had wondered about Badder Santa. Do I need to watch Bad Santa first? I have Replay and have been meaning to finish it for a couple of years now. And I have been wanting to have a listen to Vienna Teng. Thanks!
My favorite cookie is chocolate chip, hands down no contest.
My favorite Jelly Belly flavor....oooh. So many to choose from. I can tell you it is NOT earwax or vomit flavors. I guess the watermelon one is really good. I love Jelly Bellys. I used to have the coolest wallmount dispenser of them, but it is lost somewhere in my past, alas.
The best thing on TV right now...the CSI shows, The West Wing, and Scrubs. The best thing NOT on TV right now is Greg the Bunny, Firefly, and Sports Night. Get the DVDs. Watch them. Love them.
Posted by: Alicia at Dec 13, 2004 10:25:06 AM
I had no idea Greg the Bunny was out on DVD. Thanks for the tip. I've just added it to my Netflix queue.
Posted by: Tvindy at Dec 16, 2004 6:57:48 PM