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January 06, 2005
news from the home front
Before I get back to the salt mines, I wanted to post a quick note. I haven't been able to read your blogs as often as I would like. Right now I have been doing the fact checking for American Airlines and working on articles for HID. Things are changing up there and I am in a holding pattern to see where the cards are going to fall. So far, I have been given extra work, which means extra cash. Work is good :)
Meanwhile, today is apparently De-Lurker Day. Far be it from me to beg for comments when I am not leaving very many anywhere these days, but you might want to mention this on yer own blog and see who is reading your site under the cover of darkness. Or whatever.
Life, Weblogs 03:56 PM | Permalink
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I gladly throw aside my darkened cape of Crowley and de-lurk in the presence of your blog... can you tell I've been playing too many role playing games lately?
I should add something useful and constructive to this comment...
My desk calendar tells me that one of George Carlin's favorite oxymorons is Wireless Cable.
Posted by: David at Jan 6, 2005 9:06:41 PM