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February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

It's been real busy around here between work and trying to fix up the house a bit. I am also still writing for the magazine and am working on getting into graduate school soon. STRESS! I haven't even gotten to read much lately, which is a crime in and of itself. :)

On the library track, I am looking into the possibility of specializing in sequential art cataloging and preservation. For the layman, it's a fancy way to say I'll collect comics. :) There are two universities with sequential art (comics) libraries, so there is precedent. Of course I probably won't get to exercise the specialty that much, but it's worth a shot. :)

Holidays, Life 07:26 AM | Permalink


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Oh, good for you - graduate school! Yes, you may as well do something you love - you'll be spending a lot of time and money on it. Life is short!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted by: leslee at Feb 14, 2006 8:01:38 AM