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April 24, 2008
stormy weather
How did you all fare last night in the storms? What crazy weather we've been having lately. All things around the U.S., both natural and man-managed, seem to be going bonkers. The airlines, the fuel prices, the weather. Crazy.
I went to see Kids in the Hall last night, and they ROCKED! (is that an old person's term now? -eep!) So very funny. They are markedly older, as was the crowd, but wow they still have it. Now to find the tv show on DVD and re-watch them all...
much ado about nothing 07:41 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 22, 2008
just like a bad penny
I came back. *looks around* It's so quiet here. Been a year, around the time of Texas Library Association just like last time. I've been doing a lot of house cleaning and clearing at home, so I'll continue that energy here. I should be posting more regularly soon. Meanwhile, thank you St, Expedite! (bock, bock!)
it's all about me 08:24 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack