March 17, 2005
green and geeky
Not much to say today except Happy St. Paddy's Day. In lieu of coming up with something cool to say myself, I direct you to Michael Hanscom's blog, eclecticism, where he has an amazing pre-review and explanation of an up-and-coming Star Trek movie, Star Trek XI. Just below that entry is one about the next Star Wars movie and how the trailers lure us into a false sense of security that this time the movie will be better than the last ones and return to the glory that was episodes 4-6. I can't link to it, though, as I get an error page each time I try. So just go look for yourselves. :)
addendum: Michael sent this link along to the Star Wars entry. It worked for me and should work for you too.
Film, Holidays 09:10 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
February 26, 2005
a break from the mundane
Some fun links for everyone
Film, Humor, Web/Tech 11:37 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 22, 2005
more morbidity
I don't know where I saw this....oh yeah, on the Bruno comic site. It's very odd and creepy wierd.
Film 08:39 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 31, 2004
After You.
This animation is cute. It reminds me of someone I know.
Film 05:59 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack
May 27, 2004
rock 'n roll zombies!!!
"If you like:
Horror films
Rock n Roll
George Romero
Rocky Horror
Special Effects
and Video Games..." will love Diamond Dead, a new movie coming out by George Romero of Night of the Living Dead, etc., fame. Music by Richard Hartley, of Rocky Horror Picture Show Fame.
Basically, a guy joins a band and somehow gets them killed. They make a pact with the devil, and come back as zombies. Oddly, they become more famous than ever. Who'd have guessed? Ozzy and David Bowie are looking at parts in the band, while Marilyn Manson was offered the part of Jesus.
I can't wait!
Film 06:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 25, 2004
Van Helsing review
I saw Van Helsing this afternoon. It's cheesy, campy, and cliché. I loved it :) It is going to end up as a Halloween cult classic, I know it.
The CGI effects were good, even if the story tried to cram too many monster elements in it. I was also kind of disappointed in the ending. Up till that part, the movie did a good job of not taking itself too seriously. I would have also liked to have seen some resolution on who Van Helsing is (he has amnesia and is searching for his past). You leave the movie knowing who he is, but it still would have been cool to have it been played out. I also loved the friar who accompanies Van Helsing on his latest adventure. I wish I had recognized him as Faramir when I was watching the movie. This is a really different role for him, I am very impressed. He did a great job.
I know it's hot, but I don't see how Kate Beckinsale did anything in that corset. Especially sitting up from a horizontal position without flailing about. Must be a vinyl corset that looks like leather. And those heels. Sure she fought monsters and was a badass in those heels. The rest of the townfolk are in neutral colored rags and she has clean leather and suede and perfect hair and make-up. Well, she is a hero after all. She reprises her role from Underworld here, with the same amount of good looks and toughness.
Dracula was not the hottie I was hoping he would be, but he was cute. I really liked how Stephen Sommers interpreted the brides of Dracula.
Overall the movie plot was too convoluted, with too many monsters, but it was great fun. The roles were stereotypical, but that meant you could focus on the camp. The homages to the monster movies of the 50's (and Young Frankenstein and X-Men) were well done and added a bit of humor. If this movie had taken itself seriously, it would have seriously sucked. I say go see it at a matinee if you can, but definitely see it on the big screen to get the full impact of the action parts.
Grade: B (this is such a B movie, how could it have any other grade?)
Film 06:28 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
May 11, 2004
oh bother!
I apparently missed the ABC showing of the movie, "A Wrinkle in Time," from the book by Madeleine L'Engle. I love that book. Did anyone catch the movie? Was it worth watching?
The New Yorker had an interview with L'Engle in an issue a couple of months ago. She rarely gives interviews. There is another one on She is an interesting woman, and I love her idea about the truth being more important than facts.
Books, Film, Television 08:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack
March 13, 2004
a knock on the duir
For all of my friends who love faeries and fantasy art, especially you, my dervish...
Film 03:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack
November 30, 2003
little wooden boy rides again
I love comic books. There, I said it, and I know I am a geek. Note, then, my despair when I heard that Keanu Reeves was playing John Constantine in a movie about the most famous of the Trenchcoat Brigade. Nooooo! Constantine has a burning depth to him, a dark past, and knowledge enough to get himself out of the nasty pinches he finds himself in. A bit demon, a bit angel, a lot of selfish, he needs someone to play him with a little more acting depth. Stuart Townsend or Jon Jacobs would be a better pick. I am about as disappointed as when I heard Tom Cruise was picked to play Lestat in Interview With the Vampire.
I like Keanu in the Matrix films. I really do. But Neo has only two faces - confused, and determined. Constantine is more subtle than that. But if Keanu it is, Keanu it is. I hope it works out better than I am anticipating. And I hope someone helps him work on keeping a Brit accent up for a whole movie.
Do you know what I would love to see? Nathan Fillion (of Firefly fame) as the starring role in a make of the comic book Preacher.
Film 07:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack