December 21, 2004

ring out, solstice bells!

A very happy winter solstice to everyone!

Holidays 04:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

December 17, 2004

'tis the season for sneezin'

No blogging for the wicked sick lately. I know there is so much I need to do. Tvindy I am still going to send you a blog post or two from here. I have some other stuff that needs done too, including sending my articles off, finishing them first, and getting the fact checking underway while people are still available by phone. Meanwhile, I have put together a holiday CD that I am sending out as gifts. I am rather proud of it, although I might change up a song or two before giving them out to family. Maybe. :)

I am absolutely sure I will transform into an erudite and witty writer after the first of the year. At least I think so. For now, I'll focus on focusing (damn you, sinus medicine!) and thinking about what holiday tradition I'd like to start this year. Do any of you have some well-loved traditions, old or new? I'd love to hear them.

Holidays 11:05 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

December 05, 2004

all I want for Christmas not my two front teeth. I hope to keep them from a Christmas long past. However, I want to take a page from Mr. Neil Gaiman and encourage all of you to consider giving memberships to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. I know I am hoping to find one in my stocking on the 25th (or sooner!). If a membership isn't your cup of tea, try giving some swag from the CBLDF store. Nothing says I love you like a t-shirt with an anti-censorship message on it!

*note: I am having trouble getting to the site this morning, but perservere. Censorship is a heinous act committed by people who don't like others having a different opinion from themselves. Take a stand for freedom of speech. Someday, the rights we give away so easily will come back to bite us in the ass. Voltaire said, " I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That is the attitude people should take. I fully believe it.

Holidays 11:18 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's wishing you a holiday that brings you all you want it to, whether that's a little quiet time at home alone or a house full of those you love and who love you.

Holidays 09:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack

October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween!

This is my favorite holiday. I will post a picture of my costume under Halloween Decorations in a bit. Meanwhile, go play a game on the Making Fiends website :)

Holidays 05:48 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack

October 15, 2004

it's a regular holiday from work!

Isn't it odd that Bosses Day is on a Saturday?


Sweetest Day is Saturday too, so be sweet to someone. :)

Holidays 12:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack

September 26, 2004


Ok, my favorite time of year fast approaches, and I am trying to work out a way to making a Promethea costume. While looking up costume bits that I think I can't/won't make myself, I came across a website that had this to say:

***Fun Fact - Though Cleopatra has been played by classic Hollywood beauties like Elizabeth Taylor, historians say she was actually about five feet tall and somewhat chubby.

Woo-hoo!!! Maybe I'll add an Authentic Cleopatra to my list of costumes to get through before I die :)

Meanwhile, does anyone know how to make/where to get a female warrior breastplate for cheap?

Holidays 10:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack

July 04, 2004

Happy 4th of July

Happy Independence Day, all you Americans! Happy, uh...Sunday, everybody else!

We had our fireworks show last night instead of tonight, for some reason. I tried to get pictures but I was not quick enough to catch the starbursts in full bloom. I watched from the street in front of my house, because the fireworks are displayed not too far from here. While one street over was piled full of cars because people like sitting on the old golf course for free rather than paying to watch 30 minutes of fireworks, my street was clear. The only people out were me and a neighbor with her cute miniature schnauzer.

It's been a nice, calm weekend. :)

Holidays 02:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack

June 19, 2004

Juneteenth celebrations

Today is Juneteenth. At least in Texas this means firing up the BBQ (we'll use any excuse) and having friends over. Call it a pre-cursor to the 4th of July BBQs, a reason to get the grill clean from Memorial Day, when you left the brats on too long and the steaks were over-marinated. I hope you line the bottom of your grill with foil! (I hope we do, too...)

It's rainy and overcast here today (see previous post), so no grilling is happening here. No cleaning of the back porch for the 4th, either. But tonight there is a drum jam at a friend's house, and thus I will be celebrating Juneteenth, the new moon, Father's Day and whatever else you've got.

Here are some Juneteenth links for the unwashed heathens among you. You know I love you.

Juneteenth World Wide Celebration
Electronic Village: Juneteenth...The African American Independence Day!
Handbook of Texas Online: Juneteenth

And for those of you wanting other reasons to move to Texas, Dallas was/is one of the IT meccas of the United States, and we have no state income tax. We have every terrain in the United States within our state, and we were a country once on our own. The facilities to do so again are still in place. Not that we'd secede. It is a great place to live. I encourage all you liberals and libertarians to move here. Maybe we could swing the electoral vote the other way. Wouldn't that chap some ass?

*sigh* I can dream, can't I?

Holidays 02:48 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack