January 03, 2006
information, please
Been home a while, can't sleep. Want to play Civ IV. What an addicting game! So addicting there is a built in alarm clock to remind you when to sleep and eat and go to work. Thank god for that since I know lots of people who have lost girlfriends/wives and jobs just from playing video games too much. Usually it's the online variety. It's as bad as any drug, worse maybe because it's cheaper and legal.
I get lots of weird questions at the library. People expect librarians to know everything, it's funny. They really expect you to help them find that book, you know, but they don't remember the name or who wrote it. It's red and there's a picture of a sword and a boot on the cover. Yep, that narrows it down. Oddly, it does get easier. We pull previous year's magazines and sell them for a dollar a bundle. Some woman came in looking for a Time magazine from a few months ago that had to do with infidelity. Could we find it for her because she couldn't find it anywhere on the shelves. She knows it had to do with infidelity because the cover had a huge layout about it. I knew just what she was looking for. A Newsweek from 2004 with a woman on the cover with INFIDELITY written across her chest as she holds the hands of two men. I had just seen it a few days earlier. Weird.
Then there was the young girl who came in today. She's a great movie watcher and is always asking about movies that we have, old and new. Today it was that movie called "Blonde Girls for Rich Men" and it's, you know, kind of old. You mean Gentlemen Prefer Blondes? Yup, that was it, and we had it. We don't have the other one, though. How to Marry A Millionaire. Oh well, we'll get it soon enough.
More later, it's way past time for bed.
Games, Work 11:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
December 01, 2005
are you being served?
In some ways it's like working at the skating rink again - accomodating others, helping them have a good time as unobtrusively as possible. Being there to help out, to guide and direct but then to leave alone. Today I taught a kid that Excel is a better spreadsheet than Word and about the joys of saving his work and being able to pull it back up when the software glitches, so he doesn't lose all the work he did.
Life is good.
Life, Work 10:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack